Helge Group – Integrative Exercise Physiology
The key focus areas are adaptation to physical activity and inactivity and nutritional intake with a particular emphasis on maximal fat oxidation, ageing, gender, obesity and insulin resistance. The group has done a number of field studies with a broad perspective on prolonged excessive exercise, elite sports performance and long-term lifestyle intervention.

The key focus of the lab revolves around the handling, storage, function and oxidation of lipids in the context of:
- Fat oxidation/maximal fat oxidation and metabolic flexibility/fitness
- Obesity – lifestyle interventions and maintenance of lifestyle changes
- Insulin resistance – Bioactive lipids in muscle and mechanisms in man
- Inflammation in adipose tissue and low grade inflammation
We apply both cross-sectional and longitudinal study designs focusing on training, weight loss, gender, insulin resistance and age in human experiments
Whole body:
- Body composition Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA scan)
- Fat oxidation at rest and during exercise (Maximal fat oxidation)
- Maximal oxygen uptake VO2max (bike, treadmill, skiing ergometer)
- Assessment of VO2max using a medical device Seismofit (Ventriject A/S)
- Assessment of endurance capacity (yo-Yo tests, treadmill, etc.)
Tissue analysis
- Muscle biopsies (substrates, enzymes, lipidomics)
- Mitochondrial function (collaboration with Assoc. prof. Steen Larsen)
- Adipose tissue biopsies (inflammation & macrophages)
In analysis
- Effects of short term adaptation to 3 days of fat or carbohydrate rich diet on MFO
- Effects of 72 hours fasting on MFO and Mitochondrial coupling in young and old men
In process
- The variation in physiological training parameters across an annual cycle in elite athletes
- HF-IHF. Is it possible to estimate VO2max in patients with Ischemic heart disease or Heart Failure.
- Effects of glycogen content on MFO and Mitochondrial coupling in young men
- Influence of BMI and age on adipose tissue extracellular matrix
- Jose Calbet, University of Las Palmas, Las Palmas, Spain
- Paul Greenhaff, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
- Nils Færgeman, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
- prof. Chris Shaw, University of Deakin, Geelong, Victoria, Australia
- prof. Christoffer Clemmensen, Center of Basic Metabolism, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Prof. Mette Hansen, Centre of Sports Science, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
- Consultant in Cardiology, Emil Wolsk, Gentofte-Herlev Hospital, Denmark
- Consultant in Cardiology, Morten Kjøbek Lamberts, Gentofte-Herlev Hospital, Denmark
- Prof. Christina Blasco-Lafarga, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
I collaborate with the Danish Biotek company Ventriject A/S (https://ventriject.com/), and on a project Grant with Novo Nordisk A/S. In addition, I have had a long standing collaboration (> 10 yrs.) with Ubberup Højskole.
- Ministry of Culture, Sports Science Research
- Novo Nordisk A/S
- Ventriject A/S
- Helsefonden
Group Leader
Jørn Wulff Helge
Phone +452875 7506
ORCID: 0000-0001-9724-5423
Group members
Name | Title | Phone | |
.KONSTANTINA. FILIPPAKI | Master Thesis Student | ||
Cecilie Moe Weinreich | Guest Researcher | +4535328781 | |
Gustav Bancroft Olsen | Bachelor student | ||
Jørn Wulff Helge | Professor | ||
Mahault Mathilde A Degezelle | Master Student | ||
Matilde Willer-Jørgensen | Bachelor student | ||
Mikkel Sepstrup Grenaae | Bachelor student | ||
Mikkel Thunestvedt Hansen | PhD Fellow | +4535334422 | |
Peter Fruergaard Andersen | PhD Student | ||
Simon Bech Petersen | Visitor | +4535331248 |