Xlab - Physical Activity and Health

We focus on human integrative physiology, with special interest in energy expenditure, metabolism, and cardio-metabolic diseases.


  • Diabetes – insulin resistance and insulin secretion.
    • The significance of physical training in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
    • How do physical training/muscle contractions affect insulin sensitivity in muscles?
    • How is the insulin production by the β-cells regulated in response to altered physical training?
  • Muscle mass and function.
    • Strength training for individuals aged 55 and over. Can we preserve and enhance muscle mass? What role do dietary supplements, e.g. Polyphenols, play in low-grade inflammation? Can it be combined with physical training to achieve a synergistic effect? What role does mitochondrial respiratory capacity play, and do training and/or polyphenols reduce the formation of ROS?
  • Breast cancer and metabolism.
    • The treatment options for breast cancer are fortunately good, but many patients later develop insulin resistance and dysmetabolic conditions. Why? Is it radiation, or chemotherapy? Does it matter if the tumour is estrogen-positive or negative? Are there epigenetic changes occurring during the course?



Human phenotyping:

  • Body composition (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA scan) + Bioimpedance, including total body water) and specific muscle mass (ultrasound).
  • Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
  • Maximal Fat Oxidation rate (MFO)
  • Blood volume measurement (Detalo Health)

Human performance:

  • Maximal oxygen uptake
  • Muscle strength and power (handgrip, sit-to-stand test, maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), isokinetic strength, Rate of Force Development (RFD).

Clinical procedures and metabolism:

  • Insulin sensitivity (hyperinsulinemic, eu-/iso-glycemic clamps, intravenous and oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT and IVGTT)
  • Insulin secretory capacity (hyperglycemic clamp, IVGTT)
  • Arterio-venous balance technique (leg or arm) combined with blood flow (ultrasound Doppler)
  • Muscle and adipose tissue biopsies
  • Blood sampling

 Biochemical analyses (blood, muscle, adipose tissue):

  • Hormones, substrates, and metabolites (COBAS)
  • Glycemic control (HbA1c)
  • Mitochondrial respiratory capacity and ROS production (Oroboros 2k)
  • Blood gasses (ABL)
  • qPCR
  • Western blotting


Vi beskæftiger os med fysisk aktivitet og inaktivitet indflydelse betydning for organismens funktioner. Nedenfor ses en liste af emner/stikord som du måske kan genkende dig selv i?

  • Kardiovaskulær, metabolisk og morfologisk adaptation til fysisk træning og inaktivitet
  • Fysisk træning i forebyggelsen og behandlingen af Type 2 diabetes
  • Insulin sekretion og insulin resistens
  • Mitokondrie fysiologi – hvordan omsættes næringsstofferne til energi?
  • FatMax – evnen til af forbruge fedt som brændstof under fysisk aktivitet
  • Fysisk træning af ældre mennesker mhp. at forebygge tab af muskelmasse- og styrke
  • Sarcopeni – betydning, forebyggelse og behandling
  • Livsstilsintervention - fastholdelse af gode livsstilsvaner
  • + Mange andre muligheder, gerne tilpasset dine interesser inden for fysisk aktivitet og sundhed.

Er du interesseret, så skriv til:

Professor Flemming Dela,fdela@sund.ku.dk

Specifikke projekter:

Metabolic and mitochondrial effects of Breast Cancer Treatment
Kontakt adjunkt Linn Gillberg linn.gillberg@sund.ku.dk

flemming dela

Group Leader
Flemming Dela
Læge, professor, dr. med.

Phone +452120 9957

ORCID: 0000-0001-9970-9535

Xlab is part of:

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Flemming Dela Professor +4535327425 E-mail
Hanne K. Rasmusen Guest Researcher   E-mail
Jacqueline van Hall Research Group Secretary +4535327423 E-mail
Kristine Kjær Lange Student   E-mail
Linn Gillberg Assistant Professor   E-mail
Marie-Louise Brødsgaard Abrahamsen Research Assistant   E-mail