Release of galanin from isolated perfused porcine adrenal glands: role of splanchnic nerves

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We found a high concentration of galanin in extracts of porcine adrenal glands (114 pmol/g). By immunohistochemistry, galanin was localized to groups of medullary cells previously shown to produce norepinephrine. To study mechanisms for the release of galanin, we developed the following in vitro model: isolated perfused porcine adrenals with intact splanchnic nerve supply. When the nerves were electrically stimulated, epinephrine and norepinephrine secretion increased 276- and 291-fold, respectively, and galanin release increased up to 1,300-fold. Acetylcholine at 10(-6) M stimulated galanin release, and hexamethonium almost abolished the response to nerve stimulation. Galanin infusions had no effect on epinephrine and norepinephrine secretion in concentrations of 10(-8) and 10(-7) M, but increased both cortisol and aldosterone secretion (P less than 0.05). Splanchnic nerve stimulation in anesthetized pigs increased the concentration of galanin in the caval vein but not in arterial plasma. It is concluded that galanin, coreleased with catecholamines from the adrenal glands, may have endocrine functions but that galanin may also have local regulatory functions in the adrenals.
TidsskriftAmerican Journal of Physiology (Consolidated)
Udgave nummer1 Pt 1
Sider (fra-til)E31-E40
StatusUdgivet - jul. 1991

ID: 307788