Kjær Group - Cluster for Molecular Imaging

We focus on translational molecular imaging with PET and PET/MRI and on development of targeted radionuclide therapies (theranostics) for use in precision medicine in cancer, cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory disease.


For practice of precision medicine, non-invasive tools for diagnosing and prognostication at the molecular level are needed. Molecular imaging methods are capable of this while at the same time circumventing sampling error as the whole tumor burden is evaluated.

We have expertise in all the steps involved in developing molecular imaging: from basic research to obtaining approval by the health authorities, GMP and GCP. Access to both clinical and preclinical state-of-the-art facilities allow us to perform highly translational research based on relevant clinical challenges. Several of our results have been implemented in clinical routine. 



The group is headed by Professor Andreas Kjær (MD, PhD, DMSc). Development of molecular imaging involves numerous disciplines; therefore, the group includes researchers from diverse backgrounds: physicists, chemists, engineers, human biologists, medical doctors, veterinarians, etc. We value a friendly, yet ambitious working environment where researchers can interact both professionally and socially.



Anne Mette Fisker Hag
Research Coordinator



Andreas Kjær forskerprofil

Group Leader

Andreas Kjær

Phone +453532 7504

ORCID: 0000-0002-2706-5547

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Amanda Øster Andersen Guest Researcher +4535335322 E-mail
Anders Christensen Postdoc +4535459786 E-mail
Anders Wilgaard Sinkjær Guest Researcher E-mail
Andreas Kjær Professor +4535327504 E-mail
Andreas Høeg Clemmensen Engineer +4535327292 E-mail
Ane Beth Sloth Liisberg Research Assistant E-mail
Anna Månsson Animal Keeper E-mail
Anne Mette Fisker Hag Research Coordinator +4535327245 E-mail
Anne Skovsbo Clausen Postdoc E-mail
Camilla Stavnsbjerg Postdoc +4560626654 E-mail
Camilla Hell Christensen PhD Student E-mail
Cecilie Høeg Pedersen PhD Fellow E-mail
Danna Kamstrup Sell Research Assistant E-mail
Emil Nørgaard Christensen PhD Student E-mail
Emilie Caroline S Bøgestad Biomedical Laboratory Scientist E-mail
Esben Andreas Carlsen PhD Student E-mail
Francesco Sergi-Lindell External Researcher E-mail
Harshvardhan Ajay Khare Research Assistant E-mail
Heidi Ryssel PhD Student E-mail
Ida Melisa Dawoodi Research Assistant E-mail
Ida Vang Andersen Postdoc +4535337727 E-mail
Johanne Straarup Madsen PhD Student E-mail
Julie van Krimpen Mortensen PhD Student E-mail
Karina Stræde Postdoc +4535327276 E-mail
Katrine Qvist Biomedical Laboratory Scientist E-mail
Kristina Benedikte V Døssing Assistant Professor E-mail
Lars Hvass Research Assistant E-mail
Line Bruhn Schneider Knudsen Research Assistant E-mail
Malene Martini Clausen Guest Researcher +4535332941 E-mail
Malte Engmann Kjeldskov Jensen Guest Researcher E-mail
Marie Øbro Fosbøl PhD Student E-mail
Martin Lyngby Lassen Guest Researcher E-mail
Mette Neiegaard Wiinholt Research Assistant E-mail
Rasmus Sejersten Ripa Postdoc +4535326018 E-mail
Sigrid Cold Student E-mail
Simon Bentsen Postdoc E-mail
Thórunn Elisabet Michaelsdóttir Guest Researcher E-mail
Tina Binderup Postdoc +4535327533 E-mail
Tuule Treiberg PhD Fellow +4535325796 E-mail
Yue He Postdoc E-mail