The Ethiopian Flora Project: a springboard to other projects

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  • Sebsebe Demissew
  • Christian Brochmann
  • Ensermu Kelbessa
  • Friis, Ib
  • Inger Nordal
  • Sileshi Nemomissa
  • Tadesse Woldemariam
  • Tamrat Bekele
  • Zemede Asfaw
  • Zerihun Woldu
The account reviews and analyses the scietific projects derived from activities in connection with the Ethiopian Flora Project, including the [Ethiopian] Monocot Project, the Afro-alpine "Sky-island" project, the Vegetation and Ecological Conditions of Plantations Project, the Fire Ecology Project, the Aromatic Plants Project, RAPSUD, the Medicinal Plants Project, the Ethnobotany Project, as well as the project of producing an atlas of the potential natural vegetation of Ethiopia. The projects have resulted in many publications and a significant number of graduate students at MSc- and PHd-levels. After graduation these students have found their place in the netweorks for research and higer Edication, mainly in Ethiopia.
BogserieSymbolae Botanicae Upsalienses
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)189-215
Antal sider27
StatusUdgivet - 31 dec. 2011


  • Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet - Ethiopian Flora project, Monocotyledons, vegetation study, Afroalpine flora, Fire ecology, coffee, dryland biodiversity, indigenous plant use

ID: 37809846