Taking the temperature of pedestrian movement in public spaces

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  • Søren Zebitz Nielsen (Producent)
Videos from a PhD project at University of Copenhagen on "Understanding Human Movement Patterns in Public Spaces."

Publikationsdato22 okt. 2014
StatusUdgivet - 22 okt. 2014
BegivenhedThe Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2014 - Hotel van der Valk, Delft, Holland
Varighed: 22 okt. 201424 okt. 2014


KonferenceThe Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics 2014
LokationHotel van der Valk

Bibliografisk note

Videos from a PhD project at University of Copenhagen on "Understanding Human Movement Patterns in Public Spaces."

ID: 132882495