Documentary movie 'Ganbanaaxu Fedde': a transnational anti-slavery movement

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This movie links a transnational social movement that fights against legacies of internal African slavery, with contemporary rural displacements in Mali.
The movement called Ganbanaaxun Fedde (meaning the 'federation of equality' in Soninke) gained momentum from late 2016 among diasporic Soninke-speaking groups, who act and speak up against their ongoing discrimination based on the internal African slave past. The movements’ steering committee is based in a central hub for the Soninke diapora: Paris. Through the clever use of WhatsApp groups, ambitious Mauritanian students in Paris succeeded in obtaining active members among people categorised as kome in West Africa. ‘Kome’ literally means ‘enslaved’ but continues to be used to refer to the supposed ‘descendants of formerly enslaved’ among Soninke speakers in Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia and their worldwide diasporas.
The movie is based on interviews with activists and those displaced due to their activism. It also documents some of the polarizing dynamics generated by – both on- and offline –anti-slavery resistance and the struggle for equality. While the movement is transregional and transnational, the focus is on four cases from Western Mali, documenting struggles over land, endogamy, incarceration and displacement.
Publikationsdatodec. 2023
Medier for resultatFilm
StatusUdgivet - dec. 2023
BegivenhedDocumentary screening on the AMIS-MIM conference: Movie Ganbanaaxu Fedde: a transnational anti-slavery movement - Copenhagen university, Copenhagen, Danmark
Varighed: 8 dec. 20238 dec. 2023


KonferenceDocumentary screening on the AMIS-MIM conference
LokationCopenhagen university

ID: 384479370