Preclinical evaluation of cationic DOTA-triarginine-lipid conjugates for theranostic liquid brachytherapy

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  • Wenbo Wang
  • Frederikke P Fliedner
  • Anders E Hansen
  • Rasmus Eliasen
  • Fredrik Melander
  • Kjær, Andreas
  • Thomas L Andresen
  • Andreas I Jensen
  • Jonas R Henriksen

Liquid brachytherapy is an emerging technology for internal radiation therapy where liquids containing radionuclides are administered directly into solid tumors. These technologies are less invasive than conventional brachytherapy, and can potentially improve the dose coverage and homogeneity of the radioactivity distribution within the tumor. For this purpose, we have developed a novel cationic micelle system for delivery of a range of radionuclides. The system is applicable for emitters of alpha, beta or photon radiation, and enables dose-mapping via theranostic nuclear imaging. Methods: The cationic micelles were developed as linear surfactants comprising the chelator DOTA, a triarginine sequence and a palmitoyl or stearoyl fatty acid chain. The critical micelle concentration of the surfactants was determined, and the micelles were radiolabelled with 64Cu or 177Lu in high radiochemical purity (>95%). The tumor retention and biodistribution of the 64Cu-radiolabeled surfactants, administered as micelles or formulated in liposomes, were investigated in vivo by PET/CT in a tumor bearing mouse model. Results: The interaction of the micelles with anionic lipid membranes was demonstrated to be favourable, using a liposome partition assay. In vivo, the surfactants formulated both as cationic micelles and liposomes displayed the best intratumoral retention, with micelles providing more homogeneous activity distribution. Conclusion: A cationic, surfactant-based drug delivery system was developed and demonstrated promise as a vehicle for liquid brachytherapy when formulated as micelles or in liposomes. The system enables accurate dosimetry due to the flexible radiochemistry of DOTA.

Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)142-155
Antal sider14
StatusUdgivet - 2020

Bibliografisk note

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ID: 256517870