Does gut microbiota affect atrial rhythm? Causalities and speculations

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Dietary intake has been shown to change the composition of gut microbiota and some changes in microbiota (dysbiosis) have been linked to diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, which are established risk factors for atrial fibrillation (AF). In addition, intestinal dysbiosis generates microbiota-derived bioactive metabolites that might exert proarrhythmic actions. Although emerging preclinical investigations and clinical observational cohort studies suggest a possible role of gut dysbiosis in AF promotion, the exact mechanisms through which dysbiosis contributes to AF remain unclear. This Viewpoint article briefly reviews evidence suggesting that abnormalities in the intestinal microbiota play an important and little-recognized role in the pathophysiology of AF and that an improved understanding of this role may open up new possibilities in the management of AF.
TidsskriftEuropean Heart Journal
Udgave nummer35
Sider (fra-til)3521-3525
StatusUdgivet - 2021

ID: 285241524