Chronic Cranial Windows for Long Term Multimodal Neurovascular Imaging in Mice

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  • Kıvılcım Kılıç
  • Michèle Desjardins
  • Jianbo Tang
  • Martin Thunemann
  • Smrithi Sunil
  • Şefik Evren Erdener
  • Dmitry D. Postnov
  • David A. Boas
  • Anna Devor

Chronic cranial windows allow for longitudinal brain imaging experiments in awake, behaving mice. Different imaging technologies have their unique advantages and combining multiple imaging modalities offers measurements of a wide spectrum of neuronal, glial, vascular, and metabolic parameters needed for comprehensive investigation of physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms. Here, we detail a suite of surgical techniques for installation of different cranial windows targeted for specific imaging technologies and their combination. Following these techniques and practices will yield higher experimental success and reproducibility of results.

TidsskriftFrontiers in Physiology
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2021

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
Authors would like to acknowledge Qun Chen, C?line Mateo, An Na Kim, Takaki Komiyama, Anderson Chen, John T. Giblin, Blaire S. Lee, Su Jin Kim for their creative designs and support for the development of these surgical protocols and the members of the DB and the AD labs for helpful discussions. Funding. Authors gratefully acknowledge support from the NIH (BRAIN Initiative R01MH111359, R01NS108472, R01NS057198, and K99AG063762).

Publisher Copyright:
© Copyright © 2021 Kılıç, Desjardins, Tang, Thunemann, Sunil, Erdener, Postnov, Boas and Devor.

ID: 279430942