13. september 2023

Clinical Endocrinology Networking Symposium - 23. November 2023

Research symposium

Are you working with endocrinology research? The Department of Biomedical Sciences (BMI), University of Copenhagen are inviting potential research collaborators from the clinical sector for this networking symposium.

The goal: To bring researchers from the clinical sector and BMI together, allowing them to get to know each other and discover new opportunities for collaboration.

The concept: 10 short research presentations by researchers working with endocrinology. Three overall themes will be covered:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Metabolism

Why should you attend?

The symposium will allow you to explore the potential of collaborating with researchers from other sectors. Such collaborations can lead to:

  • Translation and back-translation between clinical and basic science.
  • Access to new tools, techniques, models, and approaches to address clinical challenges and access to clinical material to test or generate hypotheses.
  • A strengthened direction and impact of the research.
  • Opportunity to attract joined research grants and meet the increasing focus on interdisciplinary approaches to tackling unmet needs.
  • Avenues for careers of the young researchers.


15:45-16:00     Welcome – introduction to BMI and funding opportunities (Head of Dep. Cathrine Ørskov)

16:00-17:00   Five presentations (7+3 min) (3 from BMI, 2 from Gentofte Hospital/Steno)

17:00-17:30   Cake and coffee

17:30-18:30   Five presentations (7+3 min) (3 from BMI, 2 from RH/Hvidovre)

18:30-20:00   Closing remark and standing buffet


Researchers from BMI and the clinic (Postdocs to Professors)


When registering for the symposium, you are asked to provide your name, affiliation, and contact information. You will also be asked to provide information describing your:

  • Current research interests and project areas
  • Your research methods, models, and approaches
  • Wishes/needs in terms of collaboration

We collect this information to help us reconnect at a later point. The information will be shared at the meeting.

Attendance is free of charge.