Hartmann Group - Gut hormones and bone physiology

The Gut hormones and bone physiology group focuses on the link between the gut and the bone as well as the potential of using gut hormones to treat bone and intestinal disorder.


We investigate the mechanism by which hormones secreted from the intestine affect bone remodelling. Using cell, animal and human studies, we increase our understanding of intestinal and bone physiology, and identify new pharmacological treatment targets for bone disorder. In addition, we are developing new immuno-assays for measuring a variety of relevant gut hormones.  



We are currently developing a physiologically relevant experimental rodent model for measuring acute changes in bone turnover – the perfused hind limb, in order to investigate the activity of bone cells upon different stimuli.

At the present time, we are conducting human studies in different patient groups (diabetes, anorexia nervosa, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy) all characterised by reduced bone mass and increased fracture risk. We investigate whether the meal-induced secretion of bone markers and gut hormones is altered in these people and, in addition, we investigate the effects of exogenously injected GIP and GLP-2 on bone markers and the mechanisms behind.


Group leader Bolette Hartmann

Group leader

Bolette Hartmann
Associate Professor

Phone +45 23 26 44 11

Group members

Name Title Phone E-mail
Albæk, Lene Brus Biomedical Laboratory Scientist E-mail
Bjerregaard, Anette Laboratory Technician +4535332466 E-mail
Christiansen, Charlotte Bayer Postdoc +4535334473 E-mail
Krener, Emilie Aborg Guest Researcher E-mail
Winding, Clara Tornøe Master Student E-mail