Zebrafish polg2 knock-out recapitulates human POLG-disorders; implications for drug treatment

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  • Raquel Brañas Casas
  • Alessandro Zuppardo
  • Giovanni Risato
  • Dinarello, Alberto
  • Rudy Celeghin
  • Camilla Fontana
  • Eleonora Grelloni
  • Alexandru Ionut Gilea
  • Carlo Viscomi
  • Andrea Rasola
  • Luisa Dalla Valle
  • Tiziana Lodi
  • Enrico Baruffini
  • Nicola Facchinello
  • Francesco Argenton
  • Natascia Tiso

The human mitochondrial DNA polymerase gamma is a holoenzyme, involved in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication and maintenance, composed of a catalytic subunit (POLG) and a dimeric accessory subunit (POLG2) conferring processivity. Mutations in POLG or POLG2 cause POLG-related diseases in humans, leading to a subset of Mendelian-inherited mitochondrial disorders characterized by mtDNA depletion (MDD) or accumulation of multiple deletions, presenting multi-organ defects and often leading to premature death at a young age. Considering the paucity of POLG2 models, we have generated a stable zebrafish polg2 mutant line (polg2ia304) by CRISPR/Cas9 technology, carrying a 10-nucleotide deletion with frameshift mutation and premature stop codon. Zebrafish polg2 homozygous mutants present slower development and decreased viability compared to wild type siblings, dying before the juvenile stage. Mutants display a set of POLG-related phenotypes comparable to the symptoms of human patients affected by POLG-related diseases, including remarkable MDD, altered mitochondrial network and dynamics, and reduced mitochondrial respiration. Histological analyses detected morphological alterations in high-energy demanding tissues, along with a significant disorganization of skeletal muscle fibres. Consistent with the last finding, locomotor assays highlighted a decreased larval motility. Of note, treatment with the Clofilium tosylate drug, previously shown to be effective in POLG models, could partially rescue MDD in Polg2 mutant animals. Altogether, our results point at zebrafish as an effective model to study the etiopathology of human POLG-related disorders linked to POLG2, and a suitable platform to screen the efficacy of POLG-directed drugs in POLG2-associated forms.

TidsskriftCell Death and Disease
Udgave nummer4
Antal sider12
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The authors would like to thank Drs. E. Fiore and S. Ravarotto (Telethon scholars), Mrs. S. Iljazi and the staff of the Zebrafish Facility at DeBio, UniPD, for their technical assistance. NT and FA were supported by Italian Telethon Foundation (grant GGP19287 to NT and FA, and GGP19287A to EB), AIRC (grant IG-2017-19928 to FA), AFM-Telethon (grant 18572 to NT) and Italian Ministry of University and Research (grant PNRR M4C2 CN00000041 to NT). CV is supported by: Italian Telethon Foundation (GGP20013); Associazione Luigi Comini Onlus (MitoFight2), AFM-Telethon (23706); Department of Biomedical Sciences, UniPD (SID2022).

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s) 2024.

ID: 392660953