Whole grain, dietary fiber, and incidence of endometrial cancer in a Danish cohort study

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  • Julie Aarestrup
  • Cecilie Kyrø
  • Jane Christensen
  • Mette Kristensen
  • Anne Mette Lund Würtz
  • Nina Føns Johnsen
  • Kim Overvad
  • Anne Tjønneland
  • Anja Olsen
Whole grains and dietary fiber might be inversely associated with endometrial cancer risk through their effects on sex hormone metabolism and body fat. We investigated whether a higher intake of whole grains and dietary fiber was associated with a lower incidence of endometrial cancer in the Diet, Cancer and Health cohort of 29,875 women aged 50-64 years at enrollment in 1993-1997. Information on diet and lifestyle was derived from self-administered questionnaires. The incidence rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated based on a Cox proportional hazards model. Of the 24,418 women included as cohort members, 217 had a diagnosis of endometrial cancer. No clear associations were found between intake of whole grains or dietary fiber and the incidence of endometrial cancer.
TidsskriftNutrition and Cancer
Udgave nummer8
Sider (fra-til)1160-1168
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 2012

Bibliografisk note

IHE 2012 072

ID: 45615072