Underlying Mechanisms of the Protective Effects of Lifestyle Factors in the Prevention of Age-Related Diseases

Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftReviewForskningfagfællebedømt

  • Alcaraz, Nicolas
  • Pamela Salcedo-Tello
  • Rodrigo González-Barrios
  • Karla Torres-Arciga
  • Kioko Guzmán-Ramos

The rise in life expectancy has significantly increased the occurrence of age-related chronic diseases, leading to escalating expenses for both society and individuals. Among the main factors influencing health and lifespan, lifestyle takes a forefront position. Specifically, nutrition, mental activity, and physical exercise influence the molecular and functional mechanisms that contribute to the prevention of major age-related diseases. Gaining deeper insights into the mechanisms that drive the positive effects of healthy lifestyles is valuable for creating interventions to prevent or postpone the development of chronic degenerative diseases. This review summarizes the main mechanisms that underlie the positive effect of lifestyle factors in counteracting the major age-related diseases involving brain health, musculoskeletal function, cancer, frailty, and cardiovascular diseases, among others. This knowledge will help to identify high-risk populations for targeted intervention trials and discover new biomarkers associated with healthy aging.

TidsskriftArchives of Medical Research
Udgave nummer5
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
All figures were created with BioRender.com. KT-A is a student in the Doctoral Program in Biological Sciences, Universidad Nacional Aut\u00F3noma de M\u00E9xico (UNAM), and received a Conahcyt Fellowship ( CVU 1009360 ). This work was supported by the Financiamiento de Proyectos de Investigaci\u00F3n para la Salud ( FPIS-INCAN-4352 ) awarded to RG-B, and by the Department of Health Sciences, Universidad Aut\u00F3noma Metropolitana, Unidad Lerma awarded to KG-R.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024

ID: 395391258