Tubuloreticular inclusions in skin biopsies from patients with HIV infection.

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  • C Pedersen
  • T Horn
  • Jette Junge
  • S Haahr
  • Jens Ole Nielsen
Skin biopsies obtained from apparently normal skin from 15 HIV infected patients and 6 anti-HIV negative patients were examined by electron microscopy. Tubuloreticular inclusions (TRI) were detected within the cytoplasm of capillary endothelial cells in 5/5 AIDS patients and in 2/5 patients with AIDS related conditions. Biopsies from 5 asymptomatic HIV positive patients and the 6 control subjects were without ultrastructural alterations. The occurrence of TRI was related to low numbers of CD 4+ lymphocytes. 5/7 patients with TRI had elevated serum interferon activity, and in all of the patients without TRI, interferon activity was below detection level. The occurrence of TRI was not dependent on the presence of free p24 antigen in serum. It is concluded that the occurrence of TRI in entothelial cells of skin capillaries is associated with late stages of HIV infection and this may indicate a generalization of this change.
Bidragets oversatte titelTubuloreticular inclusions in skin biopsies from patients with HIV infection.
TidsskriftActa Pathologica Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica
Udgave nummer3
Sider (fra-til)249-252
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 1989

ID: 34125315