The professional perception of the International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS): a pragmatic randomised clinical trial

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  • Gabriela Sá
  • Mariana Minatel Braga
  • Jair Moreira Junior
  • Ekstrand, Kim
  • Matheus Ribeiro
  • Marcelo Bönecker

Introduction The International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS) was developed to standardise caries diagnosis, risk assessment and treatment decisions based on overall evidence. To evaluate its criteria in practice, a clinical trial assessed professionals' perceptions of two caries management systems. Methods A perception questionnaire was administered to two groups: one using ICCMS criteria and the other based on professional experience criteria (non-ICCMS group). The online questionnaire included quantitative scale questions to measure effort and satisfaction and two open-ended questions to collect the positive and negative perceptions of dentists by using either criteria system. The questionnaires were administered six months after the study's implementation. Results Both groups showed high levels of effort and satisfaction. Professionals using ICCMS reported more positive perceptions by citing improved diagnosis (71.4%) and standardised patient care (43%). However, they also noted negative aspects, such as increased number of questionnaires and records (58%), longer clinical sessions (43%) and higher rates of patient absenteeism (29%). Conclusion Professionals who used the ICCMS had a positive outlook on the system, with benefits seen in diagnosis and patient monitoring. However, there is room for improvement in terms of automation and simplification to enhance the professional use of the system in the clinical setting.

TidsskriftBritish Dental Journal
Antal sider5
StatusE-pub ahead of print - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to the British Dental Association 2024.

ID: 396097854