The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope V. Optimal algorithms for planning multi-object spectroscopic observations*

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We present an overview of the capabilities and key algorithms employed in the so-called eMPT software suite developed for planning scientifically optimized, multi-object spectroscopic (MOS) observations with the Micro-Shutter Array (MSA) of the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) instrument on board the James Webb Space Telescope, the first multi-object spectrograph to operate in space. NIRSpec MOS mode is enabled by a programmable MSA, a regular grid of similar to 250 000 individual apertures that projects to a static, semi-regular pattern of available slits on the sky and makes the planning and optimization of an MSA observation a rather complex task. As such, the eMPT package is offered to the NIRSpec user community as a supplement to the MSA Planning Tool (MPT) included in the STScI Astronomer's Proposal Tool (APT) to assist in the planning of NIRSpec MOS proposals requiring advanced functionality to meet ambitious science goals. The eMPT produces output that can readily be imported and incorporated into the user's observing program within the APT to generate a customized MPT MOS observation. Furthermore, its novel algorithms and modular approach make it highly flexible and customizable, providing users the option to finely control the workflow and even insert their own software modules to tune their MSA slit masks to the particular scientific objectives at hand.

TidsskriftAstronomy & Astrophysics
Antal sider9
StatusUdgivet - 28 mar. 2023

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ID: 347798519