The Ly alpha, C iv, and He ii nebulae around J1000+0234: a galaxy pair at the centre of a galaxy overdensity at z=4.5

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  • E. F. Jimenez-Andrade
  • S. Cantalupo
  • B. Magnelli
  • E. Romano-Diaz
  • C. Gomez-Guijarro
  • R. Mackenzie
  • V. Smolcic
  • E. Murphy
  • J. Matthee
  • Toft, Sune

L y alpha A.1216 (L y alpha) emission extending over > 10 kilo parsec (kpc) around dusty, massive starbursts at z > 3 might represent a short-lived phase in the evolution of present-day, massive quiescent galaxies. To obtain empirical constraints on this emerging scenario, we present Ly alpha, C IV A.1550 (C IV ), and He II A.1640 (He II ) observations taken with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer towards J1000 + 0234: a galaxy pair at z = 4.5 composed of a low-mass starburst (J1000 +0234-South) neighbouring a massive Submillimeter Galaxy (SMG; J1000 + 0234 -North) that harbours a rotationally supported gas disc. Based on the spatial distribution and relative strength of Ly alpha, C IV , and He II , we find that star formation in J1000 + 0234 -South and an active galactic nucleus in J1000 + 0234 -North are dominant factors in driving the observed 40 kiloparsec-scale Ly alpha blob (LAB). We use the non-resonant He II line to infer kinematic information of the LAB. We find marginal evidence for two spatially and spectrally separated He II regions, which suggests that the tw o-peak ed Ly alpha profile is mainly a result of two o v erlapping and likely interacting H I clouds. We also report the serendipitous identification of three Ly alpha emitters spanning over a redshift bin delta z

TidsskriftMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)2326-2341
Antal sider16
StatusUdgivet - 14 mar. 2023

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