The genomes of Darwin's primroses reveal chromosome-scale adaptive introgression and differential permeability of species boundaries

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  • Rebecca L. Stubbs
  • tsr259, tsr259
  • Emiliano Mora-Carrera
  • Barbara Keller
  • Giacomo Potente
  • Narjes Yousefi
  • Jay, Paul Yann
  • Étienne Léveillé-Bourret
  • Rimjhim Roy Choudhury
  • Ferhat Celep
  • Judita Kochjarová
  • Elena Conti

Introgression is an important source of genetic variation that can determine species adaptation to environmental conditions. Yet, definitive evidence of the genomic and adaptive implications of introgression in nature remains scarce. The widespread hybrid zones of Darwin's primroses (Primula elatior, Primula veris, and Primula vulgaris) provide a unique natural laboratory for studying introgression in flowering plants and the varying permeability of species boundaries. Through analysis of 650 genomes, we provide evidence of an introgressed genomic region likely to confer adaptive advantage in conditions of soil toxicity. We also document unequivocal evidence of chloroplast introgression, an important precursor to species-wide chloroplast capture. Finally, we provide the first evidence that the S-locus supergene, which controls heterostyly in primroses, does not introgress in this clade. Our results contribute novel insights into the adaptive role of introgression and demonstrate the importance of extensive genomic and geographical sampling for illuminating the complex nature of species boundaries.

TidsskriftNew Phytologist
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)911-925
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
The authors are very thankful to Carolina Potente for designing the flower graphics in Fig. 1 . We are grateful to Marie‐Eve Garon‐Labrecque, Monika Janisova, and Bryan Drew for fieldwork assistance. We thank The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Northamptonshire, and specifically Mark Ricketts, for permitting access to Buff Wood. We thank Mark Ravinet and Joana Meier for the guidance with analyses. This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no: 175556).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors New Phytologist © 2023 New Phytologist Foundation.

ID: 372829632