“The Best I Could”: Future Orientations for Danish Women with Gestational Diabetes

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  • Anna Brueckner Johansen
  • Laura Emdal Navne
The introduction of personalized medicine marks a shift in pregnancy-related screening, from fetal to maternal health risks putting the pregnant woman’s future orientations center stage. Drawing on fieldwork from pregnancy outpatient clinics and 11 interviews with pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes and offered genetic testing, we use their experiences of time to explore how futurity is reshaped by notions of early detection and at-riskness. We offer the concept of “future prism” to capture how multiple situations of orienting toward the future shape and circumscribe one’s experience of the future - an orientation that makes genetic testing almost impossible to refuse.
TidsskriftMedical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness
StatusAccepteret/In press - 2024

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