Texture and Contamination-Level Dependent Effects of Calcium-Rich Deinking Paper Sludge Biochar on Soil Cd Availability, Enzymatic Activity, and Plant Stress Mitigation

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  • Recep Serdar Kara
  • Pazarlar, Sercan
  • Bülent Okur
  • Cansu Almaz
  • Nur Okur
  • Svatopluk Matula
  • Markéta Miháliková
The study evaluated calcium-rich deinking paper sludge (DPS) biochar's capability as a viable alternative method to mitigate soil cadmium (Cd) availability. Our analysis of 68 recent studies showed that 75% of the studies focused on contamination levels below 10 mg kg-1. However, mining and smelting areas exhibit higher levels of Cd contamination (mean value of 57.5 mg kg-1 with a CV of 128%), necessitating a contamination rate-dependent approach. Clay loam (CL) and sandy loam (SL) soils were artificially contaminated with Cd to mimic polluted areas (20, 40, 80 mg kg-1). Soils were aged for six months and then treated with DPS biochar doses of 0%, 1%, and 3% (w/w) for a month. Cd extractability and toxicity were gauged using diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid extraction and plant physiology tests. Supplementarily, machine learning algorithms were tested to predict plant physiological parameters and biomass production, leveraging variables from principal component analysis and design parameters. Biochar application (3%, w/w) reduced soil Cd availability (20.1% in SL, 8.4% in CL; p <.05), attributed to increased soil pH, enhanced microbial activity, and expanded soil surface area. The plants grown in treated soils displayed increased dry matter content, chlorophyll, relative water content, and decreased malondialdehyde levels. The impact varied, being more pronounced in SL soils with high Cd contamination. This study presents the first report on the use of DPS biochar in Cd-contaminated soils and sets expectations for its outcomes regarding plant physiology and soil microbial activity in a diversified experimental design. DPS biochar appeared as a tool for mitigating soil Cd availability and alleviating plant stress particularly in SL soils. The biochar's efficiency was influenced by its dose, the level of contamination, and the soil type, highlighting the importance of tailored application strategies.
TidsskriftWater, Air, and Soil Pollution
Udgave nummer7
Antal sider22
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
Open access publishing supported by the National Technical Library in Prague. The collection, analysis, and interpretation of data for this work are funded by Ege University Rectorship (project no. 16-ZRF-066). The writing of the report and the decision to submit the article for publication were partly funded by the Czech grant agencies Czech National Agency for Agricultural Research and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, with grant numbers QK 1910086 and TJ01000071, respectively.

Funding Information:
R. S. Kara: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation (ageing of the soils after artificial contamination, biochar production and incubation, analyses of soil and biochar), Formal analyses, Data curation, Writing - original draft preparation, Project administration. S. Pazarlar: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation (biochar production, plant growth, plant analyses), Formal analyses, Data curation, Writing - original draft preparation, Project administration. B. Okur: Writing - review and editing, Supervision (regarding soil analyses), Funding acquisition (Grant no. 16-06-066, Ege University Rectorship). C. Almaz: Writing - review and editing, Investigation (ageing of the soils after artificial contamination, biochar incubation, analyses of soils). N. Okur: Writing - review and editing, Supervision (regarding soil analyses). S. Matula: Writing - review and editing, Funding acquisition (Grant no. QK1910086, Czech National Agency for Agricultural Research). M. Mih\u00E1likov\u00E1: Writing - review and editing, Funding acquisition (Grant no. TJ01000071, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic).

Funding Information:
The authors would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali R\u0131za Ongun for his expert technical assistance during the analytical procedures, the EUAF Department of Crop Protection for their kind permission to grow the plants under controlled conditions in their greenhouse, and Mr. Robin Healey for revising the language of the initial draft of the manuscript. The collection, analysis, and interpretation of data for this work are funded by Ege University Rectorship (project no. 16-ZRF-066). The writing of the report and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication were partly funded by the Czech grant agencies Czech National Agency for Agricultural Research and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, with grant numbers QK 1910086 and TJ01000071, respectively.

Funding Information:
The collection, analysis, and interpretation of data for this work are funded by Ege University Rectorship (project no. 16-ZRF-066). The writing of the report and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication were partly funded by the Czech grant agencies Czech National Agency for Agricultural Research and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, with grant numbers QK 1910086 and TJ01000071, respectively.


  • Biochar, Cadmium remediation, Deinking paper sludge, Enzyme activity, Plant stress

ID: 396406100