α-Synuclein-induced dysregulation of neuronal activity contributes to murine dopamine neuron vulnerability

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  • Abeer Dagra
  • Douglas R. Miller
  • Min Lin
  • Adithya Gopinath
  • Fatemeh Shaerzadeh
  • Sharonda Harris
  • Zachary A. Sorrentino
  • Jonatan Fullerton Stoier
  • Sophia Velasco
  • Janelle Azar
  • Adetola R. Alonge
  • Joseph J. Lebowitz
  • Brittany Ulm
  • Mengfei Bu
  • Carissa A. Hansen
  • Nikhil Urs
  • Benoit Giasson
  • Habibeh Khoshbouei

Pathophysiological damages and loss of function of dopamine neurons precede their demise and contribute to the early phases of Parkinson's disease. The presence of aberrant intracellular pathological inclusions of the protein alpha-synuclein within ventral midbrain dopaminergic neurons is one of the cardinal features of Parkinson's disease. We employed molecular biology, electrophysiology, and live-cell imaging to investigate how excessive alpha-synuclein expression alters multiple characteristics of dopaminergic neuronal dynamics and dopamine transmission in cultured dopamine neurons conditionally expressing GCaMP6f. We found that overexpression of alpha-synuclein in mouse (male and female) dopaminergic neurons altered neuronal firing properties, calcium dynamics, dopamine release, protein expression, and morphology. Moreover, prolonged exposure to the D2 receptor agonist, quinpirole, rescues many of the alterations induced by alpha-synuclein overexpression. These studies demonstrate that alpha-synuclein dysregulation of neuronal activity contributes to the vulnerability of dopaminergic neurons and that modulation of D2 receptor activity can ameliorate the pathophysiology. These findings provide mechanistic insights into the insidious changes in dopaminergic neuronal activity and neuronal loss that characterize Parkinson's disease progression with significant therapeutic implications.

Tidsskriftnpj Parkinson's Disease
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider22
StatusUdgivet - 2021

ID: 277188070