Size of the fibrillar centres of the nucleoli in the supraoptic nucleus of the rat taking the Swiss cheese effect into account

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  • L.. Andersen
  • N. Keiding

The size of the fibrillar centres (FC) in nucleoli was investigated taking the Swiss cheese effect into account. Electron microscopy was performed on the neurons of the rat supraoptic nucleus after the secretion of vasopressin had been fully suppressed by water load, after the secretion had been stimulated by water deprival and in normal rats with water ad libitum. When the secretory activity was suppressed from a normal level to approximately no activity, the size of the individual FC was doubled. Moreover, with increasing secretory activity the number of FC per cell increased.

TidsskriftActa Anatomica
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)348-351
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 1990

ID: 201902296