Serum aminoterminal type III procollagen peptide in early rheumatoid arthritis: relation to disease activity and progression of joint damage

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  • K Eberhardt
  • Lars Thorbjørn Jensen
  • K Horslev-Petersen
  • H Pettersson
  • I Lorenzen
  • F Wollheim

Serum levels of the aminoterminal type III procollagen peptide (S-PIIINP) have been used as markers of proliferative inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and a prognostic significance has been suggested. To test this further we have measured S-PIIINP longitudinally for 2 years in 66 patients with definite RA and a disease duration of less than 2 years, and related the levels to clinical, biochemical, and radiographic findings. In this patient group the correlations between S-PIIINP and ESR and CRP, respectively, were higher than those obtained between S-PIIINP and articular indices, and markedly higher than in patients with RA of longer duration. Patients with normal mean levels of S-PIIINP during the study period had a significantly slower rate of radiographic progression than patients with elevated mean levels of S-PIIINP. ESR yielded in general higher correlations with the joint damage process than did S-PIIINP. The correlations between S-PIIINP and the joint damage scores increased with time. A multiple regression analysis showed that ESR explained most of the variance in joint damage progression over 2 years, but S-PIIINP added independent information. About one third of the variance could be explained by the two variables.

TidsskriftClinical and Experimental Rheumatology
Udgave nummer4
Sider (fra-til)335-40
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 1 jul. 1990
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 168819106