Managing high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) during pasireotide treatment: A plain language summary of the B2219 study

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  • Susan L. Samson
  • Feldt-Rasmussen, Ulla
  • Shao Ling Zhang
  • Yerong Yu
  • Przemysław Witek
  • Pramila Kalra
  • Marek Bolanowski
What is this summary about?
Pasireotide is a medication used to treat people with acromegaly or Cushing's disease, both of which are hormonal disorders caused by a non-cancerous tumor (adenoma) in the pituitary gland. Because of the way pasireotide works to treat these conditions, sometimes blood sugar levels can increase during treatment, causing a side effect known as hyperglycemia. This is a summary about a study called B2219 ( ID: NCT02060383), which was designed specifically to look at which additional medication(s) work(s) best to reduce blood sugar levels (antihyperglycemic medication) for people who require treatment for hyperglycemia while receiving pasireotide.

What were the results?
Researchers found that 4 in every 10 people who took part in the; study did not develop hyperglycemia and therefore did not require antihyperglycemic medication. For those who did, metformin was a good treatment option, followed by incretin-based therapy (sitagliptin and/or liraglutide) if hyperglycemia continued.

What do the results of the study mean?
This study shows that if hyperglycemia occurs during pasireotide treatment, it is manageable in most people. As such, people with acromegaly or Cushing's disease can experience long-term treatment benefits with pasireotide.
TidsskriftFuture Rare Diseases
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Susan L. Samson.

ID: 394528712