“Less is more”: A design thinking approach to the development of the agenda-setting conversation cards for people with type 2 diabetes

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  • Kirsten Lomborg
  • Lene Munch
  • Freja Holmberg Krøner
  • Glyn Elwyn

Objectives: To report a design-thinking approach to a user-centred agenda-setting tool for use in type 2 diabetes clinics. Methods: The study followed design-thinking phases: emphasizing, defining, and ideating an intervention, followed by iterative user-testing of prototypes. It was conducted at a Danish diabetes center using observations, interviews, workshops, focus groups, and questionnaires. Results: Nurses wanted to put more emphasis on agenda-setting in status visits. During brainstorms the idea of using illustrated cards that listed key agenda topics was proposed and became the goal of this research. Adopting a design-thinking approach provided the basis for developing prototypes for iterative user-testing that led to a version that was acceptable to stakeholders. The resulting tool, Conversation Cards, was a set of cards that listed and illustrated seven key topics that were considered important to consider during diabetes status visits. Conclusion: The goal of the Conversation Card intervention is to support collaborative agenda-setting in diabetes status visits. Further evaluation is needed to determine the utility and acceptability of the tool to nurses and to people with diabetes in routine settings. Innovation: This novel tool is designed to trigger agenda-setting conversations and thereby prioritize individuals' choice of topics to talk about during diabetes status visits.

TidsskriftPEC Innovation
StatusUdgivet - 2022

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by Center for Regional Development Capital Region, Denmark (April 2020) and the Danish Diabetes Academy (December 2020).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen

ID: 345640777