[Implementation of a national training assessment programme in anaesthesiology]

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  • K. Skjelsager
  • B. Malling
  • K.M. Bested
  • H.T. Ostergaard
  • L. Ravn
  • D. Ostergaard
  • C. Ringsted
INTRODUCTION: In 2004, outcome-based education and in-training assessment was introduced by a reform of postgraduate medical education in Denmark. An assessment programme covering the introductory year of anaesthesiology was constructed. The purpose of this study was to explore to which degree this programme was implemented in daily practice in the clinical departments and whether the recommended assessment protocol was followed. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A questionnaire was distributed to 26 departments and 38 trainees. RESULTS: The response rate for both groups exceeded 90%. Individual learning plans were prepared by (2/3) of the trainees according to both trainees and departments. The various methods in the assessment programme were implemented to a high degree. The use of structured clinical observations was reported by more than 70% of both groups. Global assessments were applied in more than 70% according to both groups. Fifty percent of the trainees and 70% of the departments reported that these were used in accordance with recommendations. The trainees profited from preparing the written assignments, but only half of them found that they were used in accordance with recommendations. In contrast, more than 90% of the departments reported that the assignments were implemented according to recommendations. Practical completion of in-training assessment was considered difficult by 67% of the departments and 30% of trainees. The workload was the primary difficulty reported. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the in-training assessment programme of the introductory year of anaesthesia has been implemented to a high degree and the assessment protocol is used according to recommendations
Udgivelsesdato: 2008/10/27
TidsskriftUgeskrift for læger
Udgave nummer44
Sider (fra-til)3557-3561
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 2008

ID: 14276505