Home capillary sampling and screening for type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, and autoimmune thyroid disease in a Swedish general pediatric population: the TRIAD study

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  • Maria Naredi Scherman
  • Alexander Lind
  • Samia Hamdan
  • Markus Lundgren
  • Johan Svensson
  • Pociot, Flemming
  • Daniel Agardh
Objective: To screen a general pediatric population for type 1 diabetes (T1D), celiac disease (CD), and autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) after home capillary sampling.

Methods: Swedish schoolchildren between 6–9 years and 13–16 years of age were invited to screening by taking a capillary sample at home. Samples were returned by mail and assessed for autoantibodies associated with T1D, CD, and AITD. Persistently autoantibody-positive children were referred for clinical follow-up.

Results: Of 19,593 invited, 3,527 (18.0%) consented to participate and 2,315/3,527 (65.6%) returned a blood sample of sufficient volume. Hemolysis occurred in 830/2,301 (36.1%) samples. After exclusion of 42 children with previously known T1D, CD, or AITD, and two autoantibody-positive children who declined a confirmatory sample, 2,271/19,593 (11.6%) were included. 211/2,271 (9.3%) had persistent autoantibodies: 60/2,271 (2.6%) with T1D autoantibodies, 61/2,271 (2.7%) with CD autoantibodies, and 99/2,271 (4.4%) with AITD autoantibodies; 9/2,271 (0.4%) were autoantibody positive for ≥1 disease. After clinical follow-up, 3/2,271 (0.1%) were diagnosed with T1D, 26/2,271 (1.1%) with CD, and 6/2,271 (0.3%) with AITD. Children with a first-degree relative (FDR) with T1D, CD, and/or AITD, had higher occurrence of autoantibodies compared to children without an FDR (63/344, 18.3%, vs. 148/1,810, 8.2%) (p < 0.0001, OR 2.52, 95% CI 1.83–3.47), and higher occurrence of screening-detected diagnosis (14/344, 4.1%, vs. 21/1,810, 1.2%) (p < 0.0001, OR 3.61, 95% CI 1.82–7.18). Half of these children screened positive for another disease than the FDR.

Conclusion: Screening for T1D, CD, and AITD by home capillary sampling in a Swedish general pediatric population detected autoimmunity in 9.3% and undiagnosed disease in 1.5%.
TidsskriftFrontiers in Pediatrics
Antal sider10
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
DA has received grants from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, presenter fee from Sanofi at ISPAD 2023 in Rotterdam (NL), and has been scientific consultant at Allero Therapeutics. ML has received speaker fee from Rubin Medical related to team development.

Funding Information:
The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This study is part of the DiaUnion project, which is co-financed by the EU Interreg \u00D6KS (NYPS-ID 20203388), Capital Region of Denmark, Region Sk\u00E5ne, Lund University, Steno Diabetes Center Copenhagen, Barndiabetesfonden, and Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF20SA0066296). The funders were not involved in study design; in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the decision to submit the paper for publication.

Publisher Copyright:
2024 Naredi Scherman, Lind, Hamdan, Lundgren, Svensson, Pociot and Agardh.

ID: 391780650