Genomic responses in rat cerebral cortex after traumatic brain injury

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  • Christina von Gertten
  • Amilcar Flores Morales
  • Staffan Holmin
  • Tiit Mathiesen
  • Ann-Christin Sandberg Nordqvist
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) initiates a complex sequence of destructive and neuroprotective cellular responses. The initial mechanical injury is followed by an extended time period of secondary brain damage. Due to the complicated pathological picture a better understanding of the molecular events occurring during this secondary phase of injury is needed. This study was aimed at analysing gene expression patterns following cerebral cortical contusion in rat using high throughput microarray technology with the goal of identifying genes involved in an early and in a more delayed phase of trauma, as genomic responses behind secondary mechanisms likely are time-dependent.
TidsskriftBMC Neuroscience
Sider (fra-til)69
StatusUdgivet - 2005
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 41845748