Family centeredness of care: a cross-sectional study in intensive care units part of the European society of intensive care medicine

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  • Élie Azoulay
  • Nancy Kentish-Barnes
  • Carole Boulanger
  • Giovanni Mistraletti
  • Margo van Mol
  • Gabriel Heras-La Calle
  • Elisa Estenssoro
  • Peter Vernon van Heerden
  • Maria Cruz Martin Delgado
  • Perner, Anders
  • Yaseen M. Arabi
  • Sheila Nainan Myatra
  • Jon Henrik Laake
  • Jan J. De Waele
  • Michael Darmon
  • Maurizio Cecconi
To identify key components and variations in family-centered care practices.

A cross-sectional study, conducted across ESICM members. Participating ICUs completed a questionnaire covering general ICU characteristics, visitation policies, team-family interactions, and end-of-life decision-making. The primary outcome, self-rated family-centeredness, was assessed using a visual analog scale. Additionally, respondents completed the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Ethical Decision Making Climate Questionnaire to capture burnout dimensions and assess the ethical decision-making climate.

The response rate was 53% (respondents from 359/683 invited ICUs who actually open the email); participating healthcare professionals (HCPs) were from Europe (62%), Asia (9%), South America (6%), North America (5%), Middle East (4%), and Australia/New Zealand (4%). The importance of family-centeredness was ranked high, median 7 (IQR 6–8) of 10 on VAS. Significant differences were observed across quartiles of family centeredness, including in visitation policies availability of a waiting rooms, family rooms, family information leaflet, visiting hours, night visits, sleep in the ICU, and in team-family interactions, including daily information, routine day-3 conference, and willingness to empower nurses and relatives. Higher family centeredness correlated with family involvement in rounds, participation in patient care and end-of-life practices. Burnout symptoms (41% of respondents) were negatively associated with family-centeredness. Ethical climate and willingness to empower nurses were independent predictors of family centeredness.

This study emphasizes the need to prioritize healthcare providers’ mental health for enhanced family-centered care. Further research is warranted to assess the impact of improving the ethical climate on family-centeredness.
TidsskriftAnnals of Intensive Care
Udgave nummer1
Antal sider11
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

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© The Author(s) 2024.

ID: 392982085