Études des peintures murales médiévales soudanaises de 1963 à nos jours – Essai d’historiographie

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The discovery of the Faras Cathedral in the early 1960s by a Polish mission, during the International Campaign of Nubia, revealed to archaeologists an unsuspected treasure: more than 150 large-scale bright murals, witnesses to half a millennium of the history and artistic production of Christian Nubia. After transfer and conservation, the paintings were shared between Khartoum and Warsaw, where they are exhibited until now. Doubtlessly, the paternity of the discovery and the presence of the frescoes in the Polish capital were preponderant factors in the specialization of Polish researchers in the archaeology of medieval Nubia. This study presents an overview of Nubian art historiography, with a focus on the different approaches adopted by researchers to apprehend these paintings.
Bidragets oversatte titelStudy of medieval Sudanese paintings since 1963: An historiography essay
StatusUdgivet - 2019
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 337588071