Effects of Nitrate Assimilation in Leaves and Roots on Biomass Allocation and Drought Stress Responses in Poplar Seedlings

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Knowledge of tree biomass allocation is fundamental for estimating forest acclimation and carbon stock for global changes in the future. Optimal partitioning theory (OPT) and allometric partitioning theory (APT) are two major patterns of biomass allocation, and occurrences have been tested on taxonomical, ontogenetic, geographic and environmental scales, showing conflicting results and unclear ecophysiological mechanisms. Here, we examine the biomass allocation patterns of two young poplar (Populus) clones varying greatly in drought resistance under different soil water and nitrogen availabilities and the major physiological processes involved in biomass partitioning. We found that Biyu, a drought-sensitive hybrid poplar clone, had significant relations among biomass of leaf, stem and root, showing allometric partitioning. Xiaoye, a drought-tolerant poplar clone native to semi-arid areas, on the contrary, showed tightly regulated biomass allocation following optimal partitioning theory. Biyu had higher nitrate reductase activity in the fine roots, while Xiaoye had higher nitrate reductase activity in the leaves. Biochemical analyses and measurements of fluorescence and gas exchange showed that Xiaoye maintained more stable chloroplast membranes and photosystem electron flow, showing higher water use efficiency and a higher resistance to drought. A nitrogen addition could improve leaf photosynthesis and growth both in Biyu and Xiaoye seedlings under drought conditions. We concluded that the two poplar clones showed different biomass allocation patterns and suggest that the site of nitrate assimilation may play a role in biomass partitioning under varying water and nitrogen availabilities.

Udgave nummer5
Antal sider15
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number 31400527; the Applied Basic Research Project of Shanxi Province, grant number 201701D221190; China Scholarship Council, grant number 202108140068; the Startup Foundation for Introducing Talent of SXAU, grant number 2013YJ18; and the Science and Technology Innovation Foundation of SXAU, grant number 2014001.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 by the authors.

ID: 395083890