Drivers and barriers of organic food consumption: a comparative analysis in Brazil, the U. S., and Europe

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Organic food markets in Brazil, the U.S., and in Europe have distinct consolidation levels and growth potential. This research aims to reveal factors impacting these disparities and identify prospects for efficient exploration of the organic market. Surveys conducted via online questionnaires in these regions revealed health and nutrition as key drivers in Brazil, while the U.S., and Europe prioritize the environment and animal welfare concerns. Supporting local businesses is a common thread and high prices are a shared challenge. In Brazil, limited product availability and difficulties in finding desired products are significant barriers, potentially causing supply-demand imbalances and elevated prices. Notably, while > 70% of the consumers in Europe and the U.S. buy organic goods from supermarkets, only 45% do so in Brazil; 44% prefer direct purchases from farmers due to scarcity or cost considerations. This study underscores untapped potential in Brazil’s organic food market and offers insights for farmers and retailers in all regions. Our results can support stakeholders to tailor strategies to boost organic food consumption and capitalize on latent opportunities in these markets.
TidsskriftJournal fur Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
Sider (fra-til)113-118
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Publisher Copyright:
© Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) 2024.

ID: 387741572