Dopamins renale virkninger

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  • Niels Vidiendal Olsen
Dopamine is an endogenic catecholamine which, in addition to being the direct precursor of noradrenaline, has also an effect on peripheral dopaminergic receptors. These are localized mainly in the heart, splanchnic nerves and the kidneys. Dopamine is produced in the kidneys and the renal metabolism is closely associated with the renal treatment of water and salt but the mechanism is not yet elucidated. In low doses (1-5 micrograms/kg/min), dopamine increases renal blood flow (RBF) and the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In addition, pronounced diuretic and natriuretic effects are observed which are possible not exclusively secondary to alterations in the renal haemodynamics but may also be due to specific tubular effects. Recent investigations have revealed that dopamine does not increase RBF and GFR in patients with chronic renal failure if GFR is less than 60 ml/minute. Dopamine in low doses is frequently employed in cases of acute oliguric renal failure but the results available concerning the therapeutic effect are frequently retrospective and uncontrolled. The results suggest that early treatment with 1-3 micrograms/kg/min dopamine combined with furosemide can postpone or possibly render dialysis unnecessary in a number of patients on account of increased diuresis and natriuresis. The effect of GFR and the significance for the prognosis are not known.
Bidragets oversatte titelRenal effects of dopamine
TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Udgave nummer25
Sider (fra-til)1812-5
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 18 jun. 1990


  • Animals, Dopamine, Humans, Kidney, Receptors, Dopamine

ID: 47241001