Cross disciplinary characteristics of study and research paths: statistics for business administration

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Statistics is a discipline that allows implementing novel teaching proposals based on inquiry. Students’ reasoning in the statistical context can be encouraged by implementing project-based learning in statistics courses. Statistical processes often involve other disciplines apart from statistics itself. We present an analysis of the staging of cross-disciplinary characteristics of an inquiry-based project in statistics for the degree in Business Administration. Three moments of cross-disciplinary collaboration are described and analysed from both the viewpoint of teachers and students. Broadening the perspective beyond the domain of statistics provides us with new insights regarding student engagement, challenges related to project organisation and management, and a venue for cross-disciplinary dialogue.
TitelINDRUM 2022 PROCEEDINGS : Fourth conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics
RedaktørerMaría Trigueros, Berta Barquero, Reinhard Hochmuth, Jana Peters
ForlagINDRUM - International Network on Didactical Reserach in University Mathematics
Publikationsdato14 mar. 2023
StatusUdgivet - 14 mar. 2023
BegivenhedFourth conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics - Leibniz Universität, Hannover, Tyskland
Varighed: 19 okt. 202222 okt. 2022


KonferenceFourth conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics
LokationLeibniz Universität

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