Case report: Death caused by multi-organ metastatic calcifications as a result of intramuscular injections with paraffin oil

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  • Søren Reinhold Jakobsen
  • Marta Diaz-delCastillo
  • Martin Blomberg Jensen
  • Thomas Levin Andersen
  • Eldrup, Ebbe
  • Trine Skov Nielsen
In this forensic case report, we present autopsy findings from a young male in his thirties who had been self-injecting paraffin oil into his upper extremities 8 years prior to death. The injections induced an inflammatory response, leading to granuloma formation. This, in turn, resulted in severe hypercalcemia. The external autopsy examination revealed gross macroscopic ulcerations and enlargement of upper extremities, while calcifications of ligaments, heart, kidneys and dura mater was revealed on postmortem CT-scans. Histopathological examination showed extensive multiorgan metastatic calcifications in several tissues including the lungs, heart and kidney. Cause of death was estimated to be the extensive calcific deposits in the heart likely resulting in cardiac arrest. To our knowledge this is the first case reporting findings from an autopsy in which the cause of death was linked to cosmetic oil injections.
TidsskriftBone Reports
Antal sider7
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
We would like to thank the next-of-kin to the deceased for giving us permission to use the material for educational and scientific purposes. We would also like to thank Kaja S. Laursen, Anne S. H. Larsen and Christina C. E. Pedersen for their expert technical assistance.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024

ID: 385689120