Advancing responsible genomic analyses of ancient mollusc shells

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The analysis of the DNA entrapped in ancient shells of molluscs has the potential to shed light on the evolution and ecology of this very diverse phylum. Ancient genomics could help reconstruct the responses of molluscs to past climate change, pollution, and human subsistence practices at unprecedented temporal resolutions. Applications are however still in their infancy, partly due to our limited knowledge of DNA preservation in calcium carbonate shells and the need for optimized methods for responsible genomic data generation. To improve ancient shell genomic analyses, we applied high-throughput DNA sequencing to 27 Mytilus mussel shells dated to ~111–6500 years Before Present, and investigated the impact, on DNA recovery, of shell imaging, DNA extraction protocols and shell sub-sampling strategies. First, we detected no quantitative or qualitative deleterious effect of micro-computed tomography for recording shell 3D morphological information prior to sub-sampling. Then, we showed that double-digestion and bleach treatment of shell powder prior to silica-based DNA extraction improves shell DNA recovery, also suggesting that DNA is protected in preservation niches within ancient shells. Finally, all layers that compose Mytilus shells, i.e., the nacreous (aragonite) and prismatic (calcite) carbonate layers, with or without the outer organic layer (periostracum) proved to be valuable DNA reservoirs, with aragonite appearing as the best substrate for genomic analyses. Our work contributes to the understanding of long-term molecular preservation in biominerals and we anticipate that resulting recommendations will be helpful for future efficient and responsible genomic analyses of ancient mollusc shells.

TidsskriftPLoS ONE
Udgave nummer5
Antal sider22
StatusUdgivet - 2024

Bibliografisk note

Funding Information:
This work was funded by the French National Research Agency (MEET project no. ANR-20-CE02-0024; and by the \u2018Mission pour les Initiatives Transverses et Interdisciplinaires\u2019 of the French National Center for Scientific Research (X-Shell project of the Adaptation2020 call; presentation-miti/#pll_switcher), both awarded to C.D. J.T. was supported by a grant from the Carlsberg Foundation (grant no. CF21-0564; and the Independent Research Fund Denmark (grant no. 7027-00060B; F.M. received funding from the French National Research Agency (MOBi project no. ANR-18-CE02-0014-02; https:// and the French National Center for Scientific Research Tellus INTERRVIE (MAELSTROM project; https://programmes.insu. We thank Tom Schi\u00F8tte, Martin Vinther S\u00F8rensen and Vianney Forest for providing samples, and Jos\u00E9 Braga for fruitful discussions. We are grateful to the CAGT staff who managed sequencing runs and post-sequencing read processing: Ludovic Orlando, Laure Calvi\u00E8re-Tonasso, Lorele\u00EF Chauvey, St\u00E9phanie Schiavinato and Ga\u00EBtan Tressi\u00E8res.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Public Library of Science. All rights reserved.

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