A case of a periarticular abscess and suppurative arthritis of the atlanto-occipital joint

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  • Gaby van Galen Verwilghen
  • V. Busoni
  • C. Sandersen
  • D. Verwilghen
  • D. Cassart
  • A. Linden
  • H. Amory
  • G. Fortier
This Case Report describes a periarticular abscess and a suppurative arthritis of the atlanto-occipital joint in an adult horse. The horse showed a painful swelling localised on the atlanto-occipital region and ataxia in all 4 limbs. During hospitalisation, the horse developed recumbency, dysphagia, facial paralysis and seizures. Ultrasonography of the atlanto-occipital region enabled a tentative diagnosis to be made, which was later confirmed at autopsy. Culture of the abscess revealed a Staphylococcus aureus. However, the horse had a history of recurrent fever, hypertrophy and abscessation of the submandibular lymph nodes, neck pain and dyspnoea for 2 months, which was suggestive of strangles.
TidsskriftEquine Veterinary Education
Udgave nummer7
Sider (fra-til)340-343
Antal sider4
StatusUdgivet - 1 jul. 2009
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 45969746