Trisha Jean Grevengoed

Trisha Jean Grevengoed

Adjunkt, Lektor

Assistant Professor, Group Leader, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Copenhagen


  • 2015: PhD in Nutrition, Biochemistry division, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
  • 2009: Bachelor of Science in Animal Science with minor in Nutrition, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA

Previous positions

  • 2019-2021: Assistant professor, Univeristy of Copenhagen, NNF CBMR
  • 2015-2019: Postdoc, University of Copenhagen, NNF CBMR

Awards and Funding

  • 2021: Carlsberg Research Infrastructure Award
    Title: Measuring metabolites by mass spectrometry in mouse and man
  • 2021: NNF Hallas-Møller Emerging Investigator
    Title: Fat forward in the fight against heart disease: novel omega-3 lipid metabolites to lower triglycerides and cardiovascular disease risk
  • 2021: EFSD/European Research Programme on New Targets for Type 2 Diabetes 2019
    Title: Long-lived lipid metabolites to regulate glucose homeostasis and hepatic steatosis
  • 2021: European Atherosclerosis Society Young Investigator Fellowship
  • 2013-2015: American Heart Association Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
  • 2011-2013: NIH Integrative Vascular Biology Training Grant Fellowship

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