Emma Tina Bisgaard Olesen

Emma Tina Bisgaard Olesen

Adjunkt, Lektor

Medlem af:

    1. 2016
    2. Udgivet

      The Vasopressin Type-2 Receptor and Prostaglandin Receptors EP2 and EP4 can Increase Aquaporin-2 Plasma Membrane Targeting Through a cAMP Independent Pathway

      Olesen, Emma Tina Bisgaard, Moeller, H. B., Assentoft, M., MacAulay, Nanna & Fenton, R. A., 1 nov. 2016, I: American Journal of Physiology: Renal Physiology. 311, 5, s. F935-F944 10 s.

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    3. Udgivet

      Gβγ Signaling Regulates Aquaporin-2 Trafficking and Urinary Concentration

      Olesen, Emma Tina Bisgaard, Poulsen, S. B., MacAulay, Nanna, Rieg, T. & Fenton, R. A., apr. 2016, I: F A S E B Journal. 30, S1

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    4. Renal Aquaporins in Health and Disease

      Kortenoeven, M. L. A., Olesen, Emma Tina Bisgaard & Fenton, R. A., 2016, Ion Channels and Transporters of Epithelia in Health and Disease. Springer, s. 803-854 52 s. (Physiology in Health and Disease).

      Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

    ID: 40615534