Jens Juul Holst

Jens Juul Holst


  1. 2007
  2. Udgivet

    Disassociation of bone resorption and formation by GLP-2 - A 14-day study in healthy postmenopausal women

    Henriksen, D. B., Alexandersen, P., Hartmann, B., Adrian, C. L., Byrjalsen, I., Bone, H. G., Holst, Jens Juul & Christiansen, C., 2007, I: Bone. 40, 3, s. 723-729 6 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    Effect of dairy calcium or supplementary calcium on postprandial fat metabolism, appetite, and subsequent energy intake

    Lorenzen, J. K., Nielsen, S., Holst, Jens Juul, Tetens, Inge , Rehfeld, Jens Frederik & Astrup, A., 2007, I: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 85, 3, s. 678-687 10 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    Effect of subcutaneous injections of PYY1-36 and PYY3-36 on appetite, ad libitum energy intake, and plasma free fatty acids concentration in obese males

    Sloth, B., Davidsen, L., Holst, Jens Juul, Flint, A. & Astrup, A., 2007, I: American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism. 293, 2, s. E604-E609

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  5. Udgivet

    Enteric neural pathways mediate the anti-inflammatory actions of glucagon-like peptide 2

    Sigalet, D. L., Wallace, L. E., Holst, Jens Juul, Martin, G. R., Kaji, T., Tanaka, H. & Sharkey, K. A., 2007, I: American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 293, 1, s. G211-G221

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  6. Udgivet

    Exaggerated glucagon-like peptide-1 and blunted glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide secretion are associated with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass but not adjustable gastric banding.

    Korner, J., Bessler, M., Inabnet, W., Taveras, C. & Holst, Jens Juul, 2007, I: Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 3, 6, s. 597-601 4 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Exendin-4, but not dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibition, increases small intestinal mass in GK rats.

    Simonsen, L., Pilgaard, S., Orskov, C., Rosenkilde, Mette, Hartmann, B., Holst, Jens Juul & Deacon, Carolyn F., 2007, I: American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 293, 1, s. G288-95

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  8. Udgivet

    GIP receptor antagonism reverses obesity, insulin resistance, and associated metabolic disturbances induced in mice by prolonged consumption of high-fat diet

    McClean, P. L., Irwin, N., Cassidy, R. S., Holst, Jens Juul, Gault, V. A. & Flatt, P. R., 2007, I: American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism. 293, 6, s. E1746-E1755

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  9. Udgivet

    GLUT2 and the incretin receptors are involved in glucose-induced incretin secretion

    Cani, P. D., Holst, Jens Juul, Drucker, D. J., Delzenne, N. M., Thorens, B., Burcelin, R. & Knauf, C., 2007, I: Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 276, 1-2, s. 18-23 5 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    Gastric emptying of glucose solution and associated plasma concentrations of GLP-1, GIP, and PYY before and after fundoplication

    Miholic, J., Hoffmann, M., Holst, Jens Juul, Lenglinger, J., Mittlbock, M., Bergmann, H. & Stacher, G., 2007, I: Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques. 21, 2, s. 309-314 5 s.

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  11. Udgivet

    Gastrointestinal function and metabolic control after construction of an orthotopic ileal neobladder in bladder cancer.

    Thorstenson, A., Jacobsson, H., Onelöv, E., Holst, Jens Juul, Hellström, P. M. & Kinn, A., 2007, I: Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. 41, 1, s. 14-9 5 s.

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ID: 4207