Kombineret ventilations/perfusions-SPECT/CT er bedst til diagnostik af lungeemboli

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The diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) is usually established by a combination of clinical assessment, D-dimer test and imaging with either lung scintigraphy or pulmonary multidetector computed tomography angiography (CTA). Which of the two methods to use in PE diagnostic has not been determined and very limited data comparing these modalities are available. With the use of hybrid scanners, ventilation/perfusion-single-photon-emission-tomography (V/Q-SPECT) in combination with low-dose CT without contrast enhancement is feasible and should probably be considered first-line imaging in diagnosing PE.
Bidragets oversatte titelCombined ventilation/perfusion SPECT/CT is best for diagnosing pulmonary embolism
TidsskriftUgeskrift for Laeger
Udgave nummer6
Sider (fra-til)334-6
Antal sider3
StatusUdgivet - 2012

ID: 48498563