Professor Tor Biering-Sørensen has been awarded the Erhoff Foundation Talent Prize 2023
The Erhoff Foundation Talent Prize is presented to an exceptionally talented researcher under the age of 40 who has made extensive and original scientific contributions to their biomedical research field.

Tor Biering-Sørensen heads the Center for Translational Cardiology and Pragmatic Randomized Trials, established through collaboration between the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Herlev and Gentofte Hospital. The center was created to test new research methods with the potential for positive effects benefiting patients. The research vision is to develop treatments that will ultimately reduce the gap between research and the implementation of new treatments in hospital wards compared to the current state.
Among other projects, Tor and his team are responsible for DANFLU, a series of studies aimed at investigating the effects of administering a higher dose of the annual influenza vaccine to individuals over 65 years old, utilizing data from the Danish national health registries.
You can learn more about their work here.
Tor was awarded the prize on the 28th September. The Erhoff Foundation has issued this motivational statement on choosing Tor as the recipient of their Talent Prize:
Professor Tor Biering-Sørensen is a talented, innovative, and highly productive young researcher who has, since his student days, focused on using novel imaging technologies to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of individuals at high risk of developing chronic heart disease. His research is exemplary and has inspired other young researchers to apply their skills in the same research field.
We extend our warmest congratulations to Tor on this award and look forward to following his continued work.