Young researchers awarded grant for cardiovascular research
The Danish Cardiovascular Academy is ready with the first out of five scholarship grants. Two research talents from BMI among the 20 best projects that have received funding from the newly established academy.
A new Danish academy supporting cardiovascular research was established in the beginning of 2021. The Danish Cardiovascular Academy is now ready with the first grant of scholarships to 20 young researchers, including two PhD scholarships for Katja Thorøe Michler and Rasmus Henrik Reeh from BMI.
Two researchers from BMI among the 20 best projects

The Danish Cardiovascular Academy has received 100 applications and selected the 20 best projects in its first five rounds of grants.
From BMI, Katja Thorøe Michler and Rasmus Henrik Reeh both received a PhD scholarship of DKK 1.1 million.
Katja Thorøe Michler will investigate whether an omega-3 fatty acid metabolite, N-acyl taurine, reduces plasma and liver triacylglycerol in mice. The hypothesis is that the metabolite may be responsible for the omega-3 fatty acids' beneficial effect on the circulatory system. In addition, the project includes a clinical study investigating whether the metabolite reduces fat absorption and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy individuals. The project is under the guidance of Professor Jens Juul Holst and Assistant Professor Trisha Grevengoed.
Rasmus Henrik Reeh will investigate how disturbances in the circadian rhythm affect the risk of developing diabetes and associated cardiovascular problems. The project includes an epidemiological analysis of patients with circadian disturbances and an animal experiment of how high glucose can affect the clock genes, which are of significance for the circadian rhythm. Professor Thomas Mandrup-Poulsen is the project’s supervisor.
The total of 20 projects ranges from major population studies about obesity; the effect of an additional subsidy of vitamin K; analysis of changes in the smallest blood vessels in relation to Alzheimer's disease; development of possible screening methods of aneurysms, and much more.
"With these grants, cardiovascular research will continue to be at a high level in Denmark and perhaps reach an even higher level because of the financial and quality-related funding that the academy stands for," says Christian Aalkjær, Executive Managing Director at the Danish Cardiovascular Academy.
The purpose of the Danish Cardiovascular Academy is to educate more cardiovascular researchers and raise the level of their degree programme with courses and training in the fight against one of the deadliest diseases in Denmark. The Academy is supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Danish Heart Foundation.
Call for new applications
The Danish Cardiovascular Academy has just begun its next round of grants. The Academy will be granting up to 15 PhD scholarships. Some of these projects will be co-funded by the Danish Heart Foundation and receive a full PhD scholarship. The grant covers salary and tuition fee. You can learn more and apply on the Academy's website. Deadline is 1 March.