All innovation activities at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences fall under the umbrella of the Pipeline.
Innovation and collaboration

Our research at the Department of Biomedical Sciences (BMI) has a strong translational focus, and it is crucial for us that the knowledge gained contributes to better opportunities for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and cancer. We also have a strong tradition of collaboration with the clinical sector and the industry, and our researchers are constantly seeking new collaboration opportunities.
Our researchers have also achieved success with patent applications and established various spin-out companies. The efforts have been recognized through awards to our researchers, including the KU Innovation Prize in 2020 and 2017.
We are always looking for new opportunities to initiate initiatives focused on innovation and strengthening our translational research. To support this, we have established a task force at BMI.
Task force on industrial and clinical relations
To strengthen BMI's dialogue with the industry and the clinical sector, BMI has established a "Task Force on Industrial and Clinical Relations".
- Bo Hjorth Bentzen, Chair of the task force, Associate Professor at BMI, BMI's Innovation Ambassador.
- Peter Johannes Holst, Associate Professor at BMI.
- Christina Christoffersen, Vice Chair of the task force, Associate Professor at BMI and employed at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Rigshospitalet.
- Birgitte Holst, Head of Department at BMI.
- Helena Dominguez Associate Professor at BMI, physician at the Cardiology Department, Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg Hospital, and Innovation Ambassador at Bispebjerg-Frederiksberg Hospital.
The task force initiates ongoing network seminars between researchers at the department and interested parties in the clinic and/or industry. The main focus of the latest network seminars organized were "Cardiovascular Research" and "Obesity and Diabetes."
Visits to potential industry partners are also organized, and our researchers continuously present ideas to potential partners.
In his role as an Innovation Ambassador at the department, Bo Hjorth Bentzen seeks to assist the department's researchers in determining the next steps based on their plans and innovative ideas. In this context, the Pipeline at SUND is an important resource.
Chair of the task force Vice Chair of the task force |